Why does Moovance display ads?
Keeping Moovance accessible to all
At Moovance, our mission is to help citizens and companies achieve their CO2 emission reduction targets, in order to reduce the impact of climate change.
To make these virtuous gestures more attractive, we reward users of the Moovance app with mooves, convertible into euros or in-app benefits.
These rewards, like the development of the app, obviously come at a cost. To continue improving our services, we’ve decided to integrate advertising into the app.
What are the benefits for users?
With advertising, we’re introducing a new reward for Moovers, “support points”.
By watching an advert on the app, moovers will earn “supporter points” which can be used to obtain exclusive benefits on the app such as an accelerated transfer and unique badges.
The app that rewards mobility
Join the 1,000,000 moovers for more responsible mobility.